Nature’s Road Map to building AI / ML Systems

Abhishek Siingh
3 min readSep 22, 2020

Each newborn’s brain undergoes a fantastic development period from birth to three years, creating more than a million neural connections each second.

By the time a child’s brain develops into an adult brain, it loses the grey matter, unwanted neurons & synapses.

The brain’s development is a derivative of factors, like relationships, experiences, and the environment.

Isn’t it wonderful that nature has it all figured out? It provides inspiration and a roadmap to all our modern-day tech.

Road Map to creating a good AI/ML strategy as inspired by nature.

  • Plan your Strategy- Can you afford it? Can you feed it? Can you pay for school? Do we have a shortcut to raising a child? Similarly, there is no shortcut for the AI/ML plan; it’s a lifelong commitment. Think before you conceive.
  • Protection & Safe Environment- Like we protect our child from known and unknown threats, we need to provide systems with data with utmost safety; baby food to a full meal should be the plan. Vaccinate against all known wrong data sources — regular Checkups to ensure that all is well.
  • Crawl before you can run- Take baby steps and validate the system’s skill slow and steady as we want systems to be running on its own.
  • Check and change Diapers at regular intervals- Keep the data warehouse/data lake clean and keep dumping away the garbage data. Even if you don’t use it will still overload the system and cause unwanted odor and infections.
  • Choose the right School- Make sure that the technology framework you choose has the capabilities as per the budget and spending capacity of the organization. We should make sure that it will provide space and abilities for the mechanism to graduate.
  • Right Company- Ensure that all sources feeding into the system are validated and come from a trustworthy source. As one lousy friend can ruin the entire personality similarly, one wrong data source can take fundamental algorithms for a toss.
  • Right Mentors & Tutors — Choose vendors who have the patience to go along and teach your systems. They should not be fixated to the books. Creative and supportive teachers are the best ones.
  • Test — We should validate what our child has learned. We must test as per chapters, not the whole course. Focus on Weaknesses and capitalize on the strengths of the learning. This provides the system required momentum and motivation within the organization.
  • Faith & Religion — Ethics form the basis of all success. We all want to nurture a generation that gives back to society. All our systems must be free from unintentional bias and respect the privacy and the law of the land.

As a human, no AI / ML engines will be perfect. They all will have to learn from their experience and mistakes. How to graduate from these small failures and make our selves an ideal life is the journey we all must cherish and enjoy.



Abhishek Siingh

Technology Leader with Proven Skills in Team building, Enterprise IT, E-Commerce, System Administration, Security, RPA, ML, AI. Digital Transformation.